Making an RNA probe for in situ (by Ehab Lab)
Template preparation.
Method 1: Do a PCR with M13F and M13R on the plasmid, Check that the insert has been amplified and purify using PCR purification kit Use as template in next reaction
Method 2: Check for orientation of your gene using sequence analysis Determine which RNA polymerase will be used SP6 or T7 (This is done by checking the orientation of the gene 5’ end is where ATG start codon is and 3’ end is where the stop codon is.) Digest with appropriate enzyme to cut the plasmid for 2 hours (e.g., SpeI or Sac-I or NdeI or Sal-I digest is compatible with T7 polymerase Sph-I, or Nco-I or Sac-II digest is compatible with SP6 polymerase)
Purify the digested plasmid using PCR purification kit Use in the next reaction
Probe Preparation
- Prepare the following mix:
Reagents | Amounts |
10X Transcription Buffer | 2uL |
RNAse Out | 1uL |
DIG-RNA labeling mix | 2uL |
Template DNA | ~500ng |
RNA Polymerase | 2uL |
H2O | up to 20uL |
- Incubate 2-4 hours at 37°C
- Add 1μl DNase (RNase free) and incubate 10 min at 37°C
- Check 1μl on a gel
- Purify probe immediately (with RNA purification kit or phenol:chloroform:isoamylalcohol)
- Check 1μl on a gel
- Add 30μl of Hybridization solution on the probe and store at -80°C